​Frequently Asked Questions about Donations

Where does your funding come from?

We are primarily funded by donations from businesses, churches and individuals. We also receive grants for specific projects. Check out our Sponsors page to see some of the organizations that support us. We are also funded through sales from our ministry businesses, Redeemed Goods thrift store and our Ministry Campus warehouse sales.

How do I make a donation “in memory of,” “in honour of” or “in lieu of”?

When you make a donation (by any of the methods listed on the donation page), please indicate to us if the donation is “in memory of” or "in honour of" someone. If you provide us with the name and address of next of kin or the honoree, we will be able to send an acknowledgement to that person. You, as the donor, will receive a tax receipt at year end.

When do I get a tax receipt?

Tax receipts for donations of $20 or more annually are issued and mailed once per year. They are mailed at the end of January for donations made in the previous year.

What is your privacy statement?

Your privacy and security are important to us. Open Arms Mission respects your right to privacy and is committed to protecting the personal information you provide to us. We use the information collected to provide tax receipts and to communicate relevant news and updates. Open Arms Mission does not trade, license, rent or sell your personal information in any manner. Read our full Privacy Policy here .